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Discover Luxury Townships by Megaworld

Explore the elegance of West Side City and Winford Resorts Estate, two premier townships by Megaworld Corporation, designed for luxurious living and exceptional lifestyle experiences.

aerial photography of white yacht on calm waters
aerial photography of white yacht on calm waters



Luxury Living

Premier Estates

Luxury Townships

Explore exquisite townships by Megaworld Corporation, West Side City.

black car
black car
West Side City

A premier luxury township with modern living amenities.

the emblem on the front of a vintage car
the emblem on the front of a vintage car
pair of gold-colored earrings on table and black ankle-strap pumps on area rug
pair of gold-colored earrings on table and black ankle-strap pumps on area rug
red coupe parked in front of black and gray building during daytime
red coupe parked in front of black and gray building during daytime
Winford Resorts

Resort-style township offering luxury and comfort await you.

Luxury Townships

Explore the exquisite luxury townships by Megaworld Corporation, featuring West Side City and Winford Resorts Estate.


Metro Manila, Philippines


9 AM - 6 PM

Luxury Townships

Explore West Side City and Winford Resorts Estate by Megaworld.

brown wooden lounge chairs near pool surrounded by palm trees
brown wooden lounge chairs near pool surrounded by palm trees
close-up photography of boat
close-up photography of boat
black car photo across Dior store
black car photo across Dior store
two person standing beside swimming pool
two person standing beside swimming pool
woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Living in West Side City has been a luxurious experience, truly a dream come true for my family.

Sarah Lee

white ceramic bathtub
white ceramic bathtub

Winford Resorts Estate offers unparalleled amenities and a serene environment, making it the perfect luxury retreat.

John Doe

two gray sofas beside pool in room
two gray sofas beside pool in room